

Capote: A Biography
最近では『冷血』(In Cold Blood)が新訳されたゲイの作家トルーマン・カポーティ。Gerald Clarke による伝記『Capote: A Biography』を元にした映画──『冷血』の題材となったカンザスの殺人事件を追跡する作家をフォーカスした──が公開されている。



(2005 USA) Color Feature
Language: English 
Runtime: 98 mins. 
Director: Bennett Miller
Starring: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, Clifton   Collins Jr.
Subject: Biography, Drama
Type: Gay

"Capote" is the latest in a long string of well-made, well-acted biopics whose subjects are creative thinkers, but which offer no insight into the creative process.

Gay.com のレビューでは、よく出来た映画(ウェル・メイド)、よく演じられた伝記映画でテーマ性もよく練られているが、それを十分に生かすための──手法上の──クリエイティヴなところがまるでない、と辛辣だ。

Chances are "Capote" will not disappoint anyone already predisposed to see it. But while the film spins an enlightening yarn about Capote the man, it provides little illumination into what makes him worthy of a movie about his life.

The cast also includes Catherine Keener as Harper Lee (author of "To Kill a Mockingbird" and Capote's dearest friend) and Chris Cooper as the dubious local sheriff eventually won over by Capote's odd charm.



Too Brief a Treat: The Letters of Truman Capote (Vintage International)

Too Brief a Treat: The Letters of Truman Capote (Vintage International)