

イギリスのメソジスト教会は、同性カップルへの祝福の儀式(blessings services)を執り行う用意があることを表明した。メソジスト派の信者は約30万人、英国で三番目に大きな宗派である。

Methodist leaders vote to bless gay couples [Guardian]
ゲイの人々に向けた「信仰の巡礼(pilgrimage of faith)」。

In stark contrast to the Anglican communion, which is tearing itself apart over its attitude towards homosexuality, the annual Methodist conference voted unanimously to continue its "pilgrimage of faith" towards gay people.

ガーディアン紙は、今回のメソジスト教会による「全会一致」の方針を、英国国教会聖公会)の同性愛をめぐる「分裂騒ぎ」とは全く対照的(stark contrast)だ、と指摘する。

The conference voted for its faith and order committee to research guidelines to offer ministers on how to respond to requests to conduct prayers or services of blessing for same-sex couples, in the light of the government's legislation on civil partnerships.

The committee's convener, the Rev Jonathan Kerry, said afterwards that the guidance would be published by the autumn, in time for the introduction of the legislation later in the year.


One speaker, Ken Holdsworth, of Crewkerne, Somerset, spoke of elderly gay couples in his church's congregation whose presence had not upset other worshippers. "We need to get on with blessings," he said.